Employee Handbook

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Work Ethic


Work is similar to worship. You feed your family and pay your bills with it. We implore contractors and employees to be true to their words and commitments. Minor infractions, such as failing to show up for standup without alerting your team lead/manager, or failing to report to a client on time without informing them beforehand, will not be tolerated.


A lot of millennials these days do not have a strong work ethic, they don’t have patience, they are found making promises but would not deliver as said, and rarely commit to a larger goal - all they want is to get by today, and see what comes up tomorrow. “Work Ethic” was never taught to them, by parents, society, and educational Institutions. No one told them how important this is unless they tip over, fall and learn a lesson, and sometimes by then - it is too late.

It is harmful in the long term. It disrupts our work culture and is a major hindrance to building a long-lasting company. Going forward, we implore all employees( new and old) to see this as a call to higher service. Failure to do so will eventually lead to a violation being registered against you.